Christmas at the Elks

Each year in December the ladies of Junior Service League partner with the Midwest City Elks Lodge to create a heart-warming event, Christmas at the Elks. The holiday season can be a difficult time of year for anyone, especially those families who are in need. The stress of the season mixed with financial woes can be a lot for anyone to handle. JSL recognize this fact many years ago and is how our partnership with the Elks Lodge’s event began.

Here’s a glimpse of Christmas at the Elks:

At the event, families receive bags and bags of groceries so they may cook a complete Christmas dinner, as well as much-needed staple items like macaroni, bread, and cereal. In addition, toys, collected by Junior Service League members and local businesses, are there for the children in the home, along with other personal items to ensure the families will have everything they need for a wonderful Christmas.